
Finishing Strong

College Blog • Wednesday, 10 Nov 2021

It seems that the end of each year approaches quicker than the year before and the Christmas decorations in Kmart and Big W appear on the shelves earlier and earlier. These are a reminder of time moving ahead even when we may or may not be ready for the speed as to which it passes or for the next event which needs planning. There are some years which we can look forward to the end of and for many, the end of 2021 will be welcomed as it was such a tough year for many families, businesses and individuals. I saw a banner on a business 'Bring on 2022!' almost wishing away the rest of this year in the hope that next year will be full of joy, promise and good times. 

There a lot of events on the College calendar for the remainder of the year to signify the end of a particular season and the beginning of something new for 2022. The Prep children in the ELC will be starting their formal schooling years next year, our Year 6 cohort will embark on the Secondary years and our Year 12 students are halfway through their HSC, marking the end of this season in their life. These are all major milestones in life however even just the start of a new year is a chance to reflect on the year that was and begin to plan and consider the opportunities which 2022 will bring. It can also be tempting to wish away and rush through these final weeks of the year with our eyes only fixed on what is to come, and neglecting the moment that we are actually in. We can see the approaching end of the year and almost collapse over the finishing line, with nothing left in the tank, exhausted and depleted from the year. The end of the year though is also a time of celebration with lots of Christmas parties, school formals, end of year concerts and a time to honour the achievements of the year.

The writer of Hebrews encourages us in chapter 12 'Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God'. This verse is a perfect reminder that life is not a sprint but a marathon which requires endurance to finish strong. Having never completed a marathon myself, I certainly cannot attest to the muscle strain and mental agility required to make it to the finish line. Though as we approach the end of year, I can choose to keep my eyes fixed on the road ahead while still enjoying the moments of today. As you start to wrap up 2021 and file it away as a year of challenges, restrictions and face masks don't forget to make the most of each day, the God-moments that come your way and the blessing which each day holds.

Suzi Scott
Director of ELC